You need to setup your homepage first!

1. Go to Admin -> Plugins then activate all plugins.

2. Go to Admin -> Pages and create a page:

- Content:
[hero-banner title="The data layer between your business and its potential." subtitle="Optimize write performance with a document data model that maps to your application’s access patterns. Meet a wide range of query requirements via a single query API that supports everything from simple lookups to complex processing pipelines for data analytics and transformations." banner_primary="general/hero-banner.png" button_primary_label="Download App" button_primary_url="/app" button_secondary_label="Learn more" button_secondary_url="/contact"][/hero-banner]
[featured-categories title="Loved By Developers, Trusted By Enterprises" subtitle="We helped these brands turn online assessments into success stories. Join them. Elevate your testing." category_ids="2,3,5,7,11"][/featured-categories]
[services title="What We Offer" subtitle="What makes us different from others? We give holistic solutions with strategy, design & technology." button_secondary_label="Learn more" service_ids="1,2,3,4,5,6" style="style-1"][/services]
[intro-video title="Integrate with over 1,000 project management apps" image="general/intro-video.png" tag="Business" youtube_video_url="" icon_image="icons/bg-plan.png"][/intro-video]
[pricing-plan title="Finger Choose The Best Plan" subtitle="Pick your plan. Change whenever you want. No switching fees between packages" icon_image="icons/bg-plan.png" button_secondary_label="Compare Plans" button_secondary_url="pricing" style="style-1" package_ids="1,2,3,4"][/pricing-plan]
[faqs title="Frequently asked questions" subtitle="Feeling inquisitive? Have a read through some of our FAQs or contact our supporters for help" button_primary_label="Contact Us" button_primary_url="contact" button_secondary_label="Support Center" button_secondary_url="contact" image="general/bg-faqs.png" faq_category_ids="1,2,3,4"][/faqs]
[testimonials title="What our customers are saying" subtitle="Hear from our users who have saved thousands on their Startup and SaaS solution spend" image="general/plants-1.png" limit="4"][/testimonials]
[from-our-blog title="From our blog" subtitle="Aenean velit nisl, aliquam eget diam eu, rhoncus tristique dolor. Aenean vulputate sodales urna ut vestibulum" button_label="View all" button_url="blog" type="featured" limit="5"][/from-our-blog]

- Template: Homepage.

3. Then go to Admin -> Appearance -> Theme options -> Page to set your homepage.

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